MOEN Genuine Parts & Accessories
How do I find the Moen Replacement Part I need?
Moen sells thousands of replacement parts and accessories for thousands of products. It can be confusing trying to identify the exact item you need, and we want to help by eliminating this confusion. The best way to figure out what replacement part or accessory you need is if you know the "Model Number" of your Moen product. Once you know this, the replacement part or accessory can be identified using the product's "Exploded Parts View" pdf document that can be found on the product's website page. Generally, our website has this kind of information on products dating back to approximately 2011. If your Moen product is older than this, we recommend calling our Customer Support group at 1-800-BUY-MOEN.

How do I find my "Model Number"?
For items that may be installed by a builder or plumber, you will find the model number on the UPC label on the side of your Moen package.
But even if your installer, plumber or you did not keep the package, you can still find your Model Number on the Instruction Sheet if you've kept this. The instruction sheet looks like this:
If you purchased your Moen product at a retail store, you will find the Model Number on the side of the box: