Some things to consider to be able to start your preset with Alexa:
- Make sure you are using one of the following phrases to start your preset:
- "Alexa, start Master Bath with the ( ) preset"
- “Alexa, start my Master Bath in (______) mode”
- “Alexa, set my Master Bath to the (______) preset”
- "Alexa, begin my Master Bath with preset ( )"
- "Alexa, turn on my Master Bath with preset ( )"
- For best results:
- Include the name of your shower
- Enunciate and speak each word clearly
- Use common words like "Morning", "Workout", "Weekend", "Work" or "Kids" over more unique words or proper names
- Don't use the same word in multiple presets. For example, don't use "Shower" at the end of each preset name.
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